The wide reach of Camille Schuster’s experience provides a perspective that compels and inspires. She has a unique ability to recognize and present what is truly applicable in today’s business environment. As a member of the District Export Council since 1990, Dr. Schuster has joined Presidents, Secretaries of Commerce, and the US and Foreign Commercial Service in creating and expanding partnership networks between the public and private sectors. She has served in leadership positions with the District Export Council, International Visitors Council, Sister Cities, and the Global Marketing Special Interest Group of The American Marketing Association.
More objective than directive, her delivery allows professionals to glean what is pertinent to their own task at hand. With extensive experience – having presented breakout sessions, speeches and workshops on this topic to over 60 companies in more than 20 countries around the world, including Belgium, Australia, Japan, China, Argentina, Russia, Germany, Thailand and the United Kingdom – Dr. Schuster helps companies and individuals succeed by getting to the core points that make the difference in doing business internationally: The Language. The Values. And The Culture.