The Masters of Impact Negotiating will give you tips on how to negotiate from strength, how to find out if you have leverage, and how to use it. You will also learn about how to plan your strategy. You will learn how to set goals for what a successful negotiation will look like. You will gain insights on how to have control over the decisions you care about.
“In any group of professionals there are several who stand out, who are really getting the job done and raising the bar. When these people speak, others listen. They are relevant, experienced, and trusted.” This is a good of the people David Wright interviewed for this project.
The people interviewed in this book are as follows: Dr. Jim Hennig, past President of the 3500 member National Speakers Association and holder of its two highest speaking awards, Mr. Herb Cohen has been a practicing negotiator for the past four decades enmeshed in some of the world’s headline dramas from hostile takeovers to hostage negotiations; Anne Warfield’s unique ability to listen beyond what a person says and to hear what a person means attracted clients (including Fortune 100 companies the media) to utilize her for some of their toughest negotiations; Bobby Cove (EA) is the founder of Negotiation Resources LLC) a federally authorized tax practitioner specializing in “crisis tax cases,”; Bob Gibson is the founder of Negotiation Resources LLC and a professional negotiator, consultant, and training expert; Bill Docherty from the United Kingdom has thirty years of experience in negotiation on behalf o the U.K. government and international businesses; Camille Schuster, Ph.D., worked with Michael Copeland from Procter & Gamble to create global business models and has conducted seminars and given lectures to over sixty companies in more than twenty countries around the world; Ciaran McGuigan, CSP is one of Australia’s leading professional speakers when it comes to inspiring and training under-performing sales teams; John Patrick Dolan is a criminal lawyer and recognized as an international authority on negotiation and conflict resolution; Bob Danzig is an industry leader and has earned industry-wide respect for his innovative marketing leadership, brothers David and Martin Sher provide insight on what negotiation skills are essential to collecting past-due debt; T. Max Haynes has trained, consulted, and shared his expertise with banks, resorts, associations, technology companies, and real estate executives; Eric Trogdon is the founder of STEPS Canada, an organization that specializes in the conduct of negotiations as well as facilitation of mediations between third parties; Ron Karr has conducted negotiation seminars and keynote addresses on three continents; Robert D. Rutherford, Ph.D., is a highly respected and accomplished author, businessman, and teacher; Linda Byars Swindling, JD, has been called “a bargaining expert” by American Airways magazine; Christine McMahon is a behavioral change expert who inspires, enlightens, and re-energized sales professionals; Jeffrey Hansler developed tools to create change in the abilities of others and develop expertise in the area of persuasion.
You will learn that it’s possible to have fun negotiating. Yes that’s right, you can have fun negotiating! Learn how in this must-have new book, The Masters of Impact Negotiating.